WorkCover WA is the government agency responsible for overseeing and regulating the workers compensation and injury management scheme in Western Australia.
This section includes information on our role within the scheme, how we are structured and governed, and employment opportunities for prospective employees.
At a glanceOur vision is for a workers compensation and injury management scheme that works for all.
Learn more about our role, organisational structure and strategic direction.
Go to WorkCover WA at a glance.
Regulatory servicesLearn more about the regulatory services structure within WorkCover WA.
Go to Regulatory services.
Dispute servicesLearn more about the dispute services structure within WorkCover WA and the role of conciliation officers and arbitrators.
Go to Dispute services.
GovernanceFind out about the governance structure of WorkCover WA, as well as information on Public Interest Disclosure and Freedom of Information.
Go to Governance.
CareersInterested in joining our agency?
Learn more about our employee benefits and salary provisions, and the current advertised vacancies.
Go to Careers.
Contact us
Learn more about how to contact the agency for advice on any aspect of the Western Australian workers compensation and injury management scheme.
Go to Contact us.