The WorkCover WA Board (the Board) is responsible for governance of the agency, the provision of independent advice to the Minister and State Government, and the approval of certain service providers. The Board is constituted under section 452(2) of the Workers Compensation and Injury Management Act 2023.

The Chief Executive Officer, who is a member of the Board, directs the operations and day-to-day administration of WorkCover WA through the implementation of the Board’s strategic direction. The Chief Executive Officer and all other staff of WorkCover WA are employed under the provisions of the Public Sector Management Act 1994.

This section includes information on the WorkCover WA Board and our compliance with Public Interest Disclosure and Freedom of Information legislation.

WorkCover WA Board

The WorkCover WA Board consists of a Chair and five members appointed by the Minister for Industrial Relations, along with the Chief Executive Officer of WorkCover WA.

The five appointed members must be:

  • the WorkSafe Commissioner or public service officer employed in the department principally assisting in the administration of the Work Health and Safety Act 2020
  • a person experienced in employers’ interests
  • a person experienced in workers’ interests
  • a person experienced in insurance matters
  • a person experienced in accounting and financial management.
WorkCover WA Board members


Chair – Appointed by the Governor on the recommendation of the Minister

Ms Sharryn Jackson was appointed as Chair of WorkCover WA’s Board from January 2020.

Ms Jackson has extensive Board Governance and strategy experience relevant to industrial relations, workplace health and safety and workers’ compensation.


Member – Chief Executive Officer of WorkCover WA

Mr Chris White was appointed CEO of WorkCover WA in November 2019. Mr White has more than 35 years’ experience in workers compensation and work health and safety policy in WA.
Mr White has held senior policy and management roles at both WorkCover WA and WorkSafe WA.

Mr White holds a Master of Arts (Public Policy) from Murdoch University.

Member – Experienced in employers’ interests
Ms Peta Libby (AM) was appointed to the WorkCover WA Board in December 2018. Ms Libby is a geologist with over 29 years’ experience in mineral exploration and business as the Managing Director of Digirock. Ms Libby sits on the Safety Committee of the Association of Mining and Exploration Companies, is a member of the operating board of the Australian Prospectors and Miners’ Hall of Fame, and is a member of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. 

Ms Libby Holds a Bachelor of Science (Geology) from the University of Western Australia.

Member – Experienced in insurance matters

Mr Llewellyn Jones was appointed to the WorkCover WA Board in January 2020. Mr Jones has over 30 years of experience in the general insurance industry, including more than 10 years’ experience in workers compensation in underwritten schemes.

Mr Jones is the Executive Manager (Western Region) Workers Compensation Suncorp Insurance Group (GIO).

Member – Experienced in accounting and financial management

Mr Don Cunninghame was appointed to the WorkCover WA Board in January 2023. Mr Cunninghame had a 29-year career at the Office of the Auditor General as well as 10 years accounting and internal audit experience with large insurance institutions and WA Health.

Mr Cunninghame is a Fellow of CPA Australia and a Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA).

Member – WorkSafe Commissioner of the Department of the Public Service of the State principally assisting the Minister charged with the administration of the Work Health and Safety Act 2020
Ms Sally North joined the WorkCover WA Board in October 2023. Ms North is the WorkSafe Commissioner, with oversight of WorkSafe’s education, inspections, investigations, legal and regulatory support teams.

Ms North has held senior roles at WorkSafe and is experienced in human factors and ergonomics, asbestos, occupational hygiene, plant and engineering. Ms North has acted as the Deputy WorkSafe Commissioner, and is involved in state and national committees and working groups on work health and safety.

Public Interest Disclosure

Find out about our commitment to Public Interest Disclosure (PID) and how to make a disclosure to our PID Officers.

Go to Public Interest Disclosure.

Freedom of Information
Find out about our commitment to Freedom of Information (FOI) and how to make a formal request to our FOI Coordinator.

Go to Freedom of Information.