WorkCover WA is committed to the aims and objectives of the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2003.

The Act facilitates the disclosure of public interest information by providing protection for those who make disclosures and those who are the subject of disclosures.

It provides a system for the matters disclosed to be investigated and for appropriate action to be taken. If you believe that something is wrong with the way a government official or public authority or government contractor is acting or going to act, it is in the public interest that you talk to someone who can do something about it.

We recognise the value and importance of the public interest disclosure policy and legislation to eliminate improper and unlawful conduct, substantial mismanagement of public resources and substantial risks to the environment, public health and safety.

What you should know before making a disclosure
A disclosure must relate to a matter of public interest and tend to show wrongdoing by a public body when performing a public function. Anyone, including an employee of a public authority or a member of the public, who believes on reasonable grounds that the information they have is or may be true can make a disclosure.

Public bodies include:

  • a public authority (includes a State Government organisation, local government, regional local government, or a public university)
  • a public officer (includes a State public service officer, an employee of a public authority, a minister, a member of Parliament, a judicial officer, a police officer, a holder of office under the State, or an officer of the Commonwealth exercising a function on behalf of the State)
  • a public sector contractor (a person or organisation engaged by a public authority, or a subcontractor of this person, for the supply of goods and services, or the performance of a public function).
What to include in your disclosure
The information must relate to the performance of a public function of the public body. For example, the Act would not apply to information that an employee of a public authority had engaged in criminal behaviour unconnected with their employment.

Your disclosure must tend to show the public body’s involvement in one or more of the following:

  • an offence under State Law
  • substantial unauthorised or irregular use of public resources
  • conduct relating to matters of State and local government administration affecting you
  • substantial and specific risk of injury to public health, prejudice to public safety or harm to the environment
  • substantial mismanagement of public resources
  • improper conduct.

A disclosure is more than a general complaint about dissatisfaction with a product or service or a decision by government, and is more than a personal grievance that can be resolved by agreement between parties. In order to be covered by the Act, the information needs to relate to a matter of public interest.

Making a disclosure to the proper authority
Your disclosure must be made to a proper authority. Generally, disclosures about a public authority or its officers or contractors should be made to the PID Officer of the public authority concerned. If you make a disclosure to someone who is not a PID Officer, then the Act will not apply and you and your disclosure will not be protected.

Before making a disclosure, you should contact the PID Officer to find out more about:

  • how to make the disclosure and who you should disclose to
  • your rights and responsibilities
  • the protections that will apply
  • whether the information you have is covered by the Act.

More information about Public Interest Disclosures is available from the Public Sector Commission website.

Our Public Interest Disclosure Officers
WorkCover WA’s PID Officers are A/General Manager Corporate Services Mr Bernard Underwood, and Manager Audit Services, Office of the CEO Ms Kayleen Di Blasio.

PID Officers can be contacted by telephone on (08) 9388 5555 or by email at Your contact with the PID Officers will be treated with the strictest confidence.

Reporting misconduct
Anyone can report suspected serious misconduct by Western Australian public officers to the Corruption and Crime Commission. Details can be obtained on the Corruption and Crime Commission’s website.