This website is produced and managed by WorkCover WA, and aims to provide comprehensive information about WorkCover WA, its services and the workers’ compensation scheme.
This website has been designed to be as accessible to as many users as possible, including:
- people with disabilities who may use assistive technologies
- those with slower internet connections or less than state of the art equipment
- rural and regional users
- those with non-PC internet devices including hand held devices and mobile phones
The accessibility features available on this site include:
- instructions for resizing text
- instructions for using the site
- printer-friendly pages
- guide to additional software requirements
For more information click on the relevant heading below.
Text resizingYou can make the text larger or smaller on any page of this site by using the A- and A+ buttons located next to the search box at the top of the site.
Using the site
Main navigation menu
The top menu covers all aspects of WorkCover its services, functions and areas of interest to the public. Content is presented in a tier system by audience (or stakeholder) and subject.
Utility menu (header and footer)
Comprising information pages common to every website such as Feedback, Contact Us, Sitemap, Privacy and Languages.
Use keywords to search the website to find what you want more directly.
Helps you to determine the location of the page that you are viewing at any time.
Content menu (side navigation menu)
Covers topics of interest that are specific and related to what you see on the page.
Printer friendlyEvery page of the site is printer friendly.
Use the printer icon at the top of any page (the icon next to ‘languages’) to enable you to print the content of the page only.
Alternatively, simply use the Print function of your browser to print whichever page you like. The Print function is usually located under the File menu of your browser window. When a web page is printed, it will only print the title of the page, the location of the page as well as the content. Navigation menus are automatically removed for your convenience to improve readability on paper.
Additional softwareThroughout this website, you may encounter documents and files that require you to install additional software on your computer.
In most cases however, you will not be required to install anything as most computers are capable of reading the documents and files on this website. Below is a list of software that you may need to read the documents and files on this website.
PDF documents
Requirements: Adobe PDF Reader
The majority of publications and documents are in PDF format. If you don’t already have this program you can download the latest version at no cost, from Adobe’s website.
Flash documents
Requirements: Adobe Flash.
Word, Excel or PowerPoint Documents
Requirements: Microsoft Office online file viewers and converters or OpenOffice for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows
Alternative options
Alternatively, you can contact our Advice and Assistance team on 1300 794 744 to acquire a printed copy of the document.