Information on the current eligibility criteria for a medical practitioner to be designated as an approved permanent impairment assessor (APIA), how to apply and the APIA application process can be found below.

A medical practitioner under the Workers Compensation and Injury Management Act 2023 means:

  • a person registered under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (Western Australia) in the medical profession or
  • a person who is not resident in a State but who is recognised as a medical practitioner for the purposes of the Act.

WorkCover WA recognises satisfactory completion of equivalent core training in the American Medical Association Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment (AMA 5) conducted by the workers compensation jurisdictions in New South Wales, Queensland and South Australia.

It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure any AMA 5 training meets specific requirements. Contact our Advice and Assistance Service on 1300 794 744 prior to undertaking training to confirm it meets the required standard.

If you are a medical practitioner interested in partaking in a future WorkCover WA Guidelines training session, please contact us via

Eligibility criteria

The following criteria are applied by WorkCover WA when deciding whether a medical practitioner is suitable for designation as an approved permanent impairment assessor.

To be designated as an approved permanent impairment assessor under section 193 of the Workers Compensation and Injury Management Act 2023, a person must satisfy all the criteria:

  1. Be registered as a medical practitioner with no current notations, conditions or reprimands for disciplinary purposes recorded against their registration for medical practice.
  2. Have at least five years post-graduate experience as a medical practitioner.
  3. Provide evidence of current clinical practice and/or expertise in assessment.
  4. Have undertaken and completed training in the WorkCover WA Education Module, which includes training in the WorkCover WA Guidelines for the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment (WorkCover WA Guidelines).
  5. (a) Have undertaken and completed training in the use of the American Medical Association Guidelines to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment upon which the current edition of WorkCover WA Guidelines are based, or
    (b) Have current accreditation as a ‘Certified Independent Medical Examiner’ with the American Board of Independent Medical Examiners (ABIME), or
    (c) Have undertaken other training in impairment assessment approved by WorkCover WA.
  6. Have qualifications as an Australian medical specialist.

Other (non-specialist) medical practitioners

Despite eligibility criteria 6, a non-specialist medical practitioner may be approved as an APIA and the criteria requirement to be a medical specialist waved. Upon application, WorkCover WA will consider the applicant’s relevant skills, experience, and qualifications to determine if the applicant’s competency levels meet WorkCover WA’s requirements. As a guide, WorkCover WA will review the extent to which a medical practitioner can demonstrate:

  • significant work in a medical practice with consistent management and assessment of injured workers
  • experience in undertaking medical assessments of injured workers
  • relevant qualifications, for example, ABIME exam certification or other similar qualifications.

Applications in this category will be considered on a case-by-case basis and decisions will be at the sole discretion of WorkCover WA.

How to apply

Only registered medical practitioners can apply to become an approved permanent impairment assessor (APIA) with WorkCover WA and must satisfy WorkCover WA’s eligibility criteria.

Different criteria apply depending on whether you are a specialist or non-specialist medical practitioner.

The APIA application form and further information regarding the APIA application process is available in the Approved Permanent Impairment Assessor Application packs below.

APIA Application Pack – SPECIALIST – Medical Practitioners
Information on how to apply to become a specialist APIA medical practitioner.

APIA Application Pack – NON-SPECIALIST – Medical Practitioners
Information on how to apply to become a non-specialist APIA medical practitioner.