Disability Access and Inclusion Plan – 2022-2027
WorkCover WA’s commitment to ensure the Agency’s workplace and services provided are accessible and inclusive to all Western Australians has been realised in the recent development of the Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (the Plan) for 2022 to 2027.
This refreshed plan outlines a range of measures and activities to progress and improve organisational accessibility and inclusivity for people with disability. The plan also guides the Agency’s dedicated efforts to provide people with disability the same opportunities to access services, information, employment, facilities, and events.
To date, each plan has brought about notable incremental improvements. This Plan builds on and acknowledges previous good work undertaken to improve the accessibility of services for stakeholders and community members with disability and similarly the prospects and wellbeing of WorkCover WA staff with disability.
WorkCover WA encourages all stakeholders to provide ongoing feedback to the Agency to help improve accessibility and inclusivity for people with disability, and to strive deliberately to achieve the outcomes set out in this plan.