UWA Work Design survey – we want your input!
WorkCover WA’s Return to Work Conference 2017 is fast approaching. The Conference will provide an excellent professional development opportunity for injury management and workers’ compensation professionals.
On Day 1 of the Conference, keynote speaker UWA Laureate Professor Sharon Parker will shed light on the factors that drive good work design, with an emphasis on how these decisions impact the return to work context.
We invite you to complete a survey that Professor Parker and her team have developed.
The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete, and you will automatically receive a comprehensive personalised report detailing main concepts, your results and a benchmark to compare against your peers and other professionals involved in return to work activities.
Group level results, together with comparisons with other professions, will be presented and discussed in depth by Professor Parker during her presentation at the Conference.
To help us make this keynote presentation more interesting and relevant to your field, go to http://uwa.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0DFgLgK9LrWNaCN and fill in the survey!
The link to the survey will be open until April 28 2017.
If you are not attending the Conference this year, Professor Parker’s presentation will be made available online post-Conference at www.transformativeworkdesign.com. You can still participate in the survey even if you are not attending the conference.