WorkCover WA Launches Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Employer Education Campaign
WorkCover WA is pleased to announce the launch of our Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Employer Education Campaign. This initiative aims to bridge the gap in our employer educational offerings by providing targeted content to culturally and linguistically diverse employers.
Culturally and linguistically diverse employers often face language barriers or limited access to information.
WorkCover WA is pleased to announce that our Workers’ Compensation Essentials: Employer Fact Sheet has been translated into six languages; Mandarin, Cantonese, Vietnamese, Tagalog, Arabic and Punjabi.
These translations will enable us to deliver critical information to CALD employers in their home languages, significantly improving their understanding of and compliance with their legal obligations.
Workers’ compensation insurance is mandatory and protects your business from the financial cost of a workers’ compensation and common law claim.
All six translated fact sheets are now accessible on the WorkCover WA website. To access these valuable resources, please visit Employer publications – WorkCover WA